Hardware and software are the most important parts of a computer that allows the functioning of a computer. They work together to allow the proper functioning of programs and applications . However, it is important to note that these two are different . Let’s look into their differences.
This is the physical component of a computer. The tangible parts of a computer are the hardware. These include the cpu,storage devices, keyword (input/output devices), mouse , monitor and many others. These help you with the functionality of a computer when giving commands.
When we talk of software we talk of the applications , programmes, the data that run the computer and https://www.leroijohnny.co/fr. This is more of the instructions you give and these are processed in the form of codes written in programming language.after giving a command the software runs it and then provides you with the result on the interface. It is the interface that you then engage with. The purpose of the software is making sure that there is flow of communication between the hardware and itself to perform your commands. Software is divided into two is application and system software.

System software
System software includes the operating system , firmware and the device drivers. The operating system is made up of windows, macOS and linux. They have control of the hardware and manage it.its job is to make sure that all hardware components communicate effectively.
Application software
This consists of various applications and programs to perform certain tasks.These include the web browsers, processors, design softwares and games among others. They make use of the hardware and system software to perform the given commands.
The differences
Three are physical differences that you can see but then some are not seen by the naked eye.
Physical existence
Hardware is a physical component whereas software is not. Hardware components can be touched unlike software ones that exist in codes kept in digital format.
These two work hand in hand but they work differently.hardware has the physical components of the computer while software has the codes stored digitally.
You can not change hardware components easily but for software you can change them. You can update the software from any given time.
Hardware and software are interdependent . One can not operate without the other. The software takes instructions from hardware to be able to perform the commands you give.
Hardware and software are the main components of the computer.they both have specific roles they play in the functioning of the computer . Despite them having different roles they can not be separated. They are interdependent to be able to function properly. However, you need to understand the difference between the two .